The Tarot of the Bohemians: Absolute Key to Occult Science
"Bohemian" Intellectual Mathematics and Occultism
There seems to be a difference in the cultural genre of mathematics in recent history. Going back to around the mid-19th Century the Annals of Mathematics have been archiving journals in "higher mathematics", high-high mathematics actually the high that access to currents from the periods b4 the 1990's have an specified-only-access system to protect this information from any undesirable institutions, researchers or mathematicians even. A kind of Euro-only and industry-centered mathematics cult appears to be coveting these publications and the Annals are just the surface-underground front for a deepest level archive.
There are mathematical mystics amongst the background of academic society that dwells on a higher level of academic life. Many of these bohemian geniuses produced equations and some even had their knowledge stolen by these "mathemagical" cult groups. Hence mathematics as we know it is for the student, teacher, professional in the industry, but the secret stuff dwells on a high intuitive level of lexicography and semiotics.
This is what I will refer to as "intellectual mathematics", a kind of late Avant Garde-ism in function theory and analysis that flourished in the 1950's, the 1960's, 1970's, and the 1980's a bit too. Schools of analysis from Poland, underground fractal maths coming out of Russia and many other countries dealing with mathematical intuitions and model theories that our academies have no access to as text nor access mentally to know the language.
What I am talking about here my friends is math as a non-industrial interest relations field, math as quasi-academic, independent and having a very apparent philosophical, hermeneutic, semiotic, and linguistic repetoire. These texts may be on microfiche, they cannot be downloaded as PDF's or anything else. However, there are always intentional mistakes that have occurred in the Springer-Verlag monographs from the 1970's, I’m not sure what publishing houses permitted this or who "disappeared" for making such publications available, but it can and has happened. Mathematical luminaries are far beyond the calculus, the algebraic equations, differential geometry etc. all fall to pieces within these genesis level math systems.
And the Kabbala that archives and progresses this secret knowledge have prodigies from outside academia to write texts for them, highly cryptic texts and symbols you ain't ever seen, and believe me I have seen it all, everything from the halls of higher surface to the highest underground maths. It might be important for me to note that these 20th Century periodicals are not mathematics as we know it. Most of the value of these texts is their heuristic and crypto-interpretive stylism.
All of the prized and respected mathematical foundations for QST and QFT all fall apart, and all of their field invariances, all of their noncongential inconsistencies collapse with this coveted occult mathematics. Because during those years (1950's-1980's), mathematicians and mystics basically devoted a culture on the outer limits of academic discourse that was extremely philosophical and the transformational grammar used to write these text underwrite the integrals, convergences, inversions, limit theorems, scalars, and analyticity in math as we know it.
Intellectual mathematicians didn't start with symbols and relations and go on to develop integrals, vector products, and calculative tensors, topology etc. they underwrote all that with language, with plane worlds; i.e. their math was very wordy.
And the words, italics, brackets, all that they used to delineate their theorems were intellectually rendered from a philosophy of hermeneutics, interpretation and inversions for even inverse theories reduced to lexical discourses. This was the mathematics which founded number theory, this was the mathematics that was hijacked by the illuminated occult industrial-logicians math of calculator result methods. It is often said that the highest math dwells in intuition, in descriptive propositions that are linked to a kind of mysticism, a mysticism that speaks in strange terms, defines mathematical processes in a language that no mathematician can easily decipher; without years of focus on that one text that managed to make it to the presses.
Basically the purpose I am written this post is to inspire you. To inspire you to make up your own rules, re-engineer the theses on calculus and analysis and algebra to that of a Pythagorean mysterium or a Plotinus. I can just see the mathematicians as philosophical heretics, with pipe tobacco kits and long overcoats writing up abstract and yes deviant theories that nobody can understand. I hope this post inspires some to think outside the unit cube into the abstract unit box. Inspiration from Doob, Iwahori, Ward, and those without names recorded who could have changed the world.
Specific Moral of the story is this:
mathematics is a discourse, it is becoming a computational industrial discourse and wavering it's intelligentsia. Be creative, use your imagination, and have fun because that’s the highest form of intuition, that is where your theorems will happen. If the occult circle of illuminated mathematicians already have the TOE {using anti-gravity, UFO's, ghosts, crop circles etc.} then it is up to us to take it back by writing the equations and monographic texts that will realize TOE from the coming-to-itself of all abstractions of language, a theory for the origination of human language and semiotics as radical discursive work.
Good Luck -
Ramanujan12 Sep 21, 2003#1
SOURCE: Bohemian Intellectual Mathematics and Occultism
Bernard Bolzano, Franz Exner
Modern revisionism (of Lněničková, et al) pays little attention to the important role of the Catholic Enlightenment in the transmission of liberal, individualistic, and realistic attitudes into the modern political culture that was steered in an anti-Romanticist and anti-Hegelian direction. Instead, Catholic Enlightenment is presented as a phenomenon of minor significance without any notable relevance to the core values of the National Awakening. While Karl H. Seibt is mentioned, there is no reference to Josef Fesl, and Bernard Bolzano is presented as an eccentric and a marginal figure despite his seminal role in the education of two generations of the awakeners. In fact, the anti-Hegelianism of Bolzano and Franz Exner is deplored, together with the subsequent Bohemian distaste for philosophical Idealism.
'Number is All,' declared the Pythagoreans. What is today called Pythagorean number mysticism is Egyptian in origin (if not older still) and corresponds to the underlying philosophy behind all the arts and sciences of Egypt. In effect, what Pythagoras did was to undramatize myth—a strategy that had the advantage of talking directly to those capable of thinking along these lines.“
A truly divine suffix: -mancy
-mancy, -mancer, -mantic, -mantical
Of Greek Origin: used as a suffix; divination, prophecy, fortune telling; to interpret signs so “practical” decisions can be made [related to -mania]James 1:5 -- If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
Notes from a Linguistic Mystic
Linguistic MysticPerhaps of interest. Did you know? The word Vatican comes from Old Latin ‘vatis = an archaic word originally meaning "prophet", "seer" or "oracle" (also by extension, "poet").
Perhaps of interest. The word svastika comes from ancient Sanskrit and means = "all is well"
Basically, the Sanskrit word svasti, denotes good fortune, luck and well being.Asia's tetragammadion character: 卐 or 卍
In Hinduism, the right-hand (clockwise) svastika - 卐 - is a symbol of the sun and the god Vishnu, while the left-hand (counterclockwise) svastika - 卍 - represents Kali and magic. The Buddhist svastika is almost always clockwise. But to our world today the associations with the infamous swastika adopted by the Nazis (many of whom had occult interests) are overwhelmingly negative. One commentator wryly remarks that the world loved the svastika till it was co-opted by Hitler's crew.
José Manuel Erbez says:
The first time the swastika was used with an Aryan meaning was on December 25, 1907, when the self-named Order of the New Templars, a secret society founded by [Adolf Joseph] Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, hoisted at Werfenstein Castle (Austria) a yellow flag with a swastika and four fleurs-de-lys.