The Mystery of the Aleph: Mathematics, the Kabbalah, and the Human Mind
Rabbi Menachem Michael Gitik
Spiritual Anatomy of the Human Body
Ohr Makif praises Rabbi Gittik: he is very respected in Russian-speaking circles. With his background in
mathematics his approach to Torah is very practical -- he breaks down PSHAT into DROSH and brings
many gems to folks who were raised to think intellectually rather than emotionally. Makif adds that Rabbi
Gittik is known in academia for Torah learning focused on Russian speaking folks with similar background.
posted by Benyamin
צפנים בתנ"ך
Bible Code
Gregg Braden
Fractal Time : History Repeats in Love and War
The researchers who had warned Rabin had discovered the details of his death in a particular portion of the Bible. The first five books of the Christian Old Testament are the same mysterious five books that form the Hebrew Torah, one of the stablest documents in human history. A comparison of today's Torah with the oldest known versions shows that it has not undergone the edits and revisions of other sections of the Bible. In fact, only about 23 letters have changed in 1,000 years.So when we study the Torah, we can trust that we are reading the original text, just as it was intended more than 30 centuries ago. It's for this very reason that Rabin followed the schedule on the day he was killed. He was a deeply spiritual man and believed in the Torah so much that he felt that if his last day on Earth was truly encoded into such an ancient and holy text, then the events of that day must be destined to occur. On November 4, they did.
It is within the Torah, and only the Torah, that Israeli mathematician Eliyahu Rips, Ph.D, discovered "the Bible Code," which has been reviewed and validated by scientists in leading universities worldwide, as well as technical agencies that specialize in encryption decoding, such as the U.S. Department of Defense. Rips and Michael Drosnin, the journalist who wrote the first book describing the code, uncovered details that they shared with Rabin. The Bible Code described the specifics of the event and did so with such accuracy that there could be no doubt as to what was being revealed.
The prime minister's name, Rabin, had been spelled out, along with the date of the assassination, the name of the city it would occur within, and even the assassin's name: Amir. In some ancient and mysterious way, the details of the event that changed the course of history for Israel had been encoded into the fabric of the most beloved book in the world, a text that appeared upon the earth more than 1,000 years before the time of Jesus.
The Code Within the Code
For more than 200 years, scholars have suspected that the Torah holds more than the words that are read sequentially on each page. An 18th-century scholar known as the Genius of Vilna once stated: "The rule is that all that was, is, and will be unto the end of time is included in the Torah, from the first word to the last word. And not merely in a general sense, but as to the details ... everything that happened to him from the day of his birth until his end."Mathematicians study the Torah's encrypted messages of time, past and future, by creating a matrix from the letters of the Bible's first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Beginning with the first letter of the first word, all spaces and punctuation are removed until the last letter of the last word is reached, leaving a single sentence thousands of characters in length.
Using sophisticated search programs, the matrix of letters is examined for patterns and intersecting words. In the book of Genesis, for example, the word Torah is actually spelled out with sequences of 50 characters between each letter of the word. The same sequence is found in the books of Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Only in Leviticus is the code absent, for mysterious reasons that may unlock an even greater secret within it. As early as the 1940s, Rabbi M.D. Weissmandl found these sequences, and the word Torah became the key to unraveling the code within the code of the text.
See Rabbi Michoel Ber WeissmandlWith the development of high-speed computers, the extent of the Bible Code was finally recognized. The new computers replaced the tedious manual decoding that had driven Bible scholars to madness for centuries. Running against control groups of other texts, such as War and Peace, Moby Dick, and even the Yellow Pages telephone directories, only the Bible was found to have the encoded messages. According to Harold Gans, a former code breaker with the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), there is about a 1-in-200,000 chance that the information revealed in the Bible Code is a coincidence. Vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, the names of countries, events, dates, times, and people intersect one another in a way that sets the Bible apart from any other text, giving us a snapshot into the events of our past and a window into our future.
See Harold GansWhile the reasons why such an ancient prediction tool could see into 3,000 years of time so accurately remain a mystery, the big question is, how does it relate to our future? In light of its accuracy for events ranging from World War II, the Shoemaker-Levy comet impact with Jupiter, the Scud missiles discovered during the first Gulf War in Iraq, and the Kennedy assassination, how reliable can this ancient matrix be when peering into the years to come?
Eliayahu Rips
In answer to this question, Dr. Rips suggests that the entire Bible Code had to be written all at once, as a single act, rather than developing over time. The implication of such a statement is mind-boggling. It means that when the Torah was transcribed, all possibilities and all possible futures already existed and were already in place. "We experience it like we experience a hologram," he suggests. "It looks different when we look at it from a new angle -- but the image, of course, is pre-recorded." The key to applying this ancient Time Code to future events may lie in thinking of it through the eyes of what we now know about the cycles of time.
See Fractal Time (a la Mandelbrot)Planting the Seeds of Time
Whether we're talking about world ages that last for 5,125 years at a time or the link between the events of 1941, 1984, and 2001, it's clear that cycles are involved and that each has a beginning. In every instance, that beginning -- the seed event sets the conditions that will repeat at various future dates. From our understanding of natural rhythms and cycles, we can calculate when similar conditions and events will repeat throughout the cycles of time.So here's the question: is it possible that everything from the war and peace between nations to the love and heartbreaks of life began with a seed event somewhere in our distant past? In other words, are we living out a pattern that was initiated with the beginning of time -- the beginning of our cycle in 3114 BC -- and will complete with the end of the cycle in AD 2012? If so, is the Bible Code the "map" that describes the cycles, as well as the seed events that set into motion all the human dramas playing out across our world today?
Admittedly, these are huge questions and deserve more attention than we can do justice to here. See Gregg Braden's website. But the ideas are worth considering and may go a long way to help explain the mystery of the Bible Code and what the Torah is really telling us about our future. Whether or not we actually believe in the literal accuracy of this sacred book is less important than our understanding of the themes it describes.
In the fourth chapter of Genesis, for example, the Torah "time map" describes the first betrayal of one human by another, the violence of brother against brother when Cain took the life of Abel. From the perspective of repeating patterns and cycles, we can think of this primal act of betrayal as the seed event that anchors the repeating pattern of betrayal throughout the history of all remaining cycles.
Not long after this original betrayal, in the same chapter we also find the first acts of forgiveness. Among them is the story of Joseph, who was one of 11 brothers. As Joseph was his father Jacob's favored son, his brothers became jealous and sold Joseph into slavery. In the second confrontation between brothers in Genesis, this story has a different outcome from the first, that of Cain and Abel. The powerful act of forgiveness Joseph shows his brothers many years later becomes a seed event for the conditions of forgiveness that permeate the rest of the biblical traditions and our lives today.
See Rabbi Menachem Michael Gitik (Книга "Визуализация Кабалы")
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Arthur Hertzberg writes:The Torah is commandment, but it is much more than that. At its widest, the concept means more even than the teaching contained in the Bible. It is the whole of the sacred tradition, especially as expressed in all the writings of the faith [Judaism], from the Bible to the present. Study of Torah is a commandment several times enjoined in the Bible itself. To know that such study is as important an act of Jewish piety as prayer, in some senses indeed more important, is crucial to understanding the genius of Judaism and Jewry. Hence, in all the past ages, when few men could read, illiteracy was little known among Jews and learning was always the most highly prized of attainments.
But this warning (after his remarks on the Zohar, the basic text of the kabbalah.)
[Even before Moses de Leon and the Zohar or Book of Splendor, there was a well-developed older tradition within Judaism of mystical speculation.] The dominant Jewish tradition has always regarded kabbalah gingerly and with some suspicion. Mystic speculation can enrich the faith, bit it must be curbed lest it substitute mystical transports and even magic for the life of obedience to divine commandment.
Amir D. Aczel (new book):The Mystery of the Aleph: Mathematics, the Kabbalah, and the Search for Infinity. From the end of the 19th century until his death, one of history's most brilliant mathematicians languished in an asylum. The Mystery of the Aleph tells the story of Georg Cantor (1845-1918), a Russian-born German who created set theory, the concept of infinite numbers, and the "continuum hypothesis," which challenged the very foundations of mathematics. His ideas brought expected denunciation from established corners - he was called a "corruptor of youth" not only for his work in mathematics, but for his larger attempts to meld spirituality and science. Cantor worked alongside Kurt Gödel. (Aczel 2000). For more, see Review
Traditionally, restrictions have been placed on the study of Kabbalah. Some kabbalists insisted that anyone seeking entrance to the orchard must be at least forty years old, though Moses Cordovero stipulated twenty years. Other requirements included high moral standards, prior rabbinic learning, being married, and mental and emotional stability. The point is not to keep people away from Kabbalah, but to protect them. Mystical teachings are enticing, powerful, and potentially dangerous. The spiritual seeker soon discovers that he or she is not exploring something "up there," but rather the beyond that lies within. Letting go of traditional notions of God and self can be both liberating and terrifying. In the words of Isaac of Akko, "Strive to see supernal light, for I have brought you into a vast ocean. Be careful ! Strive to see, yet escape drowning."
Daniel C. Matt :: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism - Kabbalah |
An early seeker of divinely encrypted messages was Isaac Newton.
Many Bible verses contain hidden or confirming messages buried within the text that are revealed when overlaid or analyzed with what I call the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. As stated elsewhere, each letter of the Hebrew alphabet contains three dimensions:
They are simply common letters that make up words.
Each letter also expresses a symbolic concept.
Each letter represents a mathematical value.
After the destruction of the First Temple in ancient Israel, the Hebrew language was no longer used. It was exchanged for Aramaic and later Greek. Those languages do not incorporate the above three linguistic dimensions that were embodied in the original text. Therefore, in order to understand the complete message of biblical prophecy, we must study some details of the original Hebrew Alphabet Number System.
The original Hebrew alphabet contained foundational knowledge from God that men could never discover. In it was buried the concept of creation, the source of the beginning of the universe, and the first step toward diversity.
The ancient Hebrew speakers organized things by assigning numbers for levels of priority. For instance, in our bodies the most important organ is the brain; therefore, we might assign the number one (1) to it. For two (2), we may choose the heart. The Hebrews used tables to show how they prioritized things like metals, fruits and vegetables, planets, and even our weekly cycle: the first day, Sunday (the sun), is followed by Monday (the moon). These concepts connect to the spiritual-physical side of man and are interwoven in the fabric of human history. Here are some examples:
Similarly, the Hebrew Alphabet Number System combines numbers and symbols to explain the universe, the earth, and our existence. This system can be used to understand important concepts and philosophies.
As with all gnostics, Kabbalists had to overcome many obstacles in order for their teachings to be regarded as sacred texts. Gershom Scholem relates that the vehicle of choice for mystics to bring their gnostic view into harmony with their own traditions was allegory or midrash.
History of Numerological Divination:
Pythagoras is often called the father of numerology since he made known that the musical intervals recognized in his era could be expressed in ratios between the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Also, he displayed that the numbers 1 through 4 equaled the sum of 10. He furthered demonstrated that the cycle of numbers, 1 through 4, could be started again when reaching 10 because all numbers larger than 9 can be reduced by a single digit by adding the digits together. Pythagoras reasoned that the entire universe could be expressed numerically, creating a mystical system expended by other early Greek philosophers.
Throughout the ancient history of numbers certain characteristics and values were assigned to the integers. One mechanism which enabled the assignment of these characteristics was the way in which the ancient Greeks recorded the numbers in dots or geometrical figures. Odd numbers which could not be separated were said to be masculine possessing the "generative parts," and represented assertion, power, and creativity. Even numbers capable of being split into and therefore possessed femine "openings" were considered feminine representing wholeness, stability or weakness.
In the Greek mysteries, the number 888 represented the "Higher Mind." The Greek variation of "Jesus," "Iesous," equals 888. The number 666 represented the "Mortal Mind." In the New Testament, 666 is called the number of "the Beast."
In early Hebrew history the interpretation of numbers was considered highly important. Letters of the Hebrew alphabet was based on numbers, and this relationship was related to the cosmic forces. In the Middle Ages, a numerical mysticism evolved from the teachings of Merkabah, a sect of Judaism. In the 13th century the German Kabbalists developed gematria, a mystic numerical interpretation of the Scriptures.
Consider the coincidence. Both the Greeks and Hebrews held 10 to be the perfect number. Pythagoras considered that 10 comprehends all arithmetic and harmonic proportions, and, like God, is tireless. All nations calculated with it because when they arrive at 10, they return to 1, the number of creation. Pythagoreans believed the heavenly bodies were divided into 10 orders. According to the Kabbalah, there are ten emanations of numbers out of Nothing. The emanations form the 10 sephiroth of the Tree of Life, which contains all knowledge and shows the path back to God.
Gematria: In addition to the occult meanings of numbers , another principle is basic to numerology- -that of gematria, or cryptograph. In Hebrew, consonants are used as number signs, but by providing them with vowels, one can often read them as words and can read words as numbers. A combination of gematria and Pythagorean number symbolism formed the basis for the number magic of the medieval Cabala This allows special reading of the Hebrew Bible to find secret or hidden meanings in the text.
The written Hebrew language captures the original concept of God's program. It is the only language that survived after the confusion of Babel to retain some of its original design.
Sacred Math : the power hidden in hebraic "numbering"
There are twenty-two Hebrew letters with their corresponding numbers.
Numerology is the study of numbers. It is believed that every letter in the alphabet has an assigned number to it. According to numerologists, numbers give a perception about an individual's character and personality traits. Modern numerology draws inspiration from Hebrew numerology. The date of an individual's birth, month, and year helps numerologists make a report on the person. The numbers of his birth day, month, and year are summed up to get a single-digit number. Similarly, letters are also given numerical values, and the addition of the values in the person's name and that of his birth date helps numerologists read the past, present, and future of the individual.
Jacob Prasch's Midrash
"It is generally known that allegorical interpretations arise spontaneously whenever a conflict between new ideas and those expressed in a sacred book necessitates some form of compromise. What is true of allegorical interpretation is still more applicable to the specifically mystical interpretation of such texts. . . . Vast numbers of books have been written by Jewish mystics attempting to find their own ideas in, or read them into, the Biblical texts. A large part of the enormous Kabbalistic literature consists of commentaries of Books of the Bible, especially the Pentateuch, the Five Scrolls, the Psalms, the Song of Songs, the Book of Ruth, and Ecclesiastes. Many productive minds among the Kabbalists found this a congenial way of expressing their own ideas, while seeming to make them flow from the Bible. It is not always easy, in a given case, to determine whether the exegesis was a deliberate device, calculated to bridge the gap between the old and the new vision by reading completely new ideas into the text . . . .
Divination and Magic is hardly restricted to Judaism
According to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, an adept of Egyptian magic, "The world is built upon the power of numbers." Numerological practices and beliefs have survived throughout the centuries down to the present day. An example of this concerns the numbers 11, 22, and 33, that are claimed to be master numbers and must not be reduced to a single digit, which when corresponding to an individual's name prognosticate that the individual is a highly developed person spiritually.
Based upon Pythagoras' previous stated statement, "The world is built upon the power of numbers," numerology became systems of both divination and magic because both systems are based upon the broader concept that the entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns, and all things can be expressed in numbers which correspond to universal vibrations. Therefore, all things, including names, words, birth dates and birthplaces, are able to be reduced to numbers in order to determine personalities, destinies and fortunes of individuals.
Number: Name
א 1: Aleph
an ox or bull
strength, primacy, leader
ב 2: Beth
a tent, house, in, into
household, family
ג 3: Gimel
a camel
to be lifted up, pride
ד 4: Dalet
a door
opening, entry, pathway
ה 5: Hei
a window
behold, the, to reveal, inspiration, what comes from
ו 6: Vav
a nail, hook
to fasten, join together, secure, add
ז 7: Zayin
cut, cut off a weapon
ח 8: Chet
inner room, heart, private, separate
ט 9: Teth
snake, serpent
10 י
hand, law/responsibility
20 כ
holding/reaching hand
30 ל
ox-prodding stick
40 מ
50 נ
pictures a snake
60 ס
70 ע
eyes or spring
80 פ
90 צ
100 ק
needle's eye
200 ר
emerging head
300 ש
400 ת
500 ך
Kaph (Final form)
600 ם
Mem (Final form)
700 ן
Nun (Final form)
800 ף
Pe (Final form)
900 ץ
Tsade (Final form)
Source It :
Hebrew Numerology